Hello and a Warm Welcome
Thanks for purchasing this editable eBook workbook - 20 Questions to change your life.
I am sure it will help you immensely with your business.
You can edit this eBook with Canva for free. You can make 1 eBook and/or multiple small eBooks or checklists from it.
It is a White Label Product.
This page has these sections:
- your ebook and certificate
- video tutorial on how to access and edit it
- 20 editable Facebook ad templates to help you sell your eBook (FREE)
- 36 editable Instagram templates (FREE)
- business building eBook and workbooks (FREE)
- how to turn your eBook into an online course video tutorial (FREE)
- how to sell your eBook, and use it as a Lead Magnet to get more clients video tutorial (FREE)
- PROMOTION: my other editable eBooks showcase - commercial use with certificate. 3-eBooks bundle to purchase.
- BONUS; eBooks and online courses for personal use only!
Please read below what you can and cannot do with this product.
What You Can and Cannot do
What You CAN Do With These Resources
can add your logo branding and to them,
claim them as your own, give them away,
use them for your marketing
use them with your clients
sell them as branded products
use them in webinars and workshops,
edit and update them,
package them with other resources
can be sold at any price
can be used for personal use
can be added into paid membership websites
can put your name on it
can be offered as a bonus
can be used to build a list
can print/publish offline
can productcan modify/change
can modify/change the graphics and ecover
can be given away for free
can be added to free membership websites
What You CANNOT Do With These Resources
cannot sell or giveaway the White Label Rights to others for them to use or sell,
you cannot sell via Amazon Kindle (against Amazon Policies)
you cannot sell them via eBay or other similar sites.
How to access and edit Your eBook on Canva
1. Open the Canva template with the link next to the picture of the eBook
2. It takes you to Canva - open template (free to open)
3. Change colours, text, pictures etc.
4. The eBook has pictures already that you are free to change. If you see a watermark on the pictures, it is because you are using the free version of Canva, and the picture included is PRO.
5. In the template you will find websites listed with free pictures to download. Canva also has hundreds of thousands of free pictures.
6. DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK: on the top right corner go on DOWNLOAD: select only the pages you want to be in the eBook - select PDF.
7 WARNING: select the page number you can see on the top of the page generated by Canva. Do not select page numbers you see in the eBook (on the page right button corner) - Canva cannot read those
VIDEO TUTORIAL: video on YouTube where I explain how to access and edit your eBook (about 10 mins): link here